Articles Inspiration People

Vivi Karia

PEOPLE:VIVI KARIA If you haven’t gotten the chance to meet  Vivi Karia, no need to worry as I have you covered. She is outright outstanding with her thoughts, vision, design and execution. Vivi Karia is pretty much the closest you will ever get to Rihanna in Nairobi. We discussed how she views fashion in Nairobi, […]

Articles Inspiration People

Amy Muhoro

Images courtesy of Amy Muhoro + Darina Anstis PEOPLE :AMY MUHORO On the first feature of our new section:People, I’d like to invite you to join me in an intimate conversation I had with Amy Muhoro, better known as Amyvisuals, a young self taught  female Photographer based in East Africa. I met Amy back in 2014 and she […]

Articles Beauty News and Views People


Tell Me About Yourself If anything, this must be the worst question I have ever had to encounter as an introvert, but no one would believe that I am one, given that my social media platform has gained traction for quite a while now and so the world assumes I am social. Half the time […]