News and Views

Hippie on an Adventure: Magadi

How can I authentically live the beauty of a foreign place if I keep the same comfort and routine? I don’t think I’ve ever been early for a road-trip, at least the much I can recall, this time; I packed 10 minutes before we left, called Duncan, our guide, to confirm on availability at camp […]

Articles Inspiration

Hippie on an Adventure x KenyanBohemian – Vibrations of Tremors

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it’s beauty.” ― Albert Einstein Pack that bag, go on that adventure… the world has a lot to give. Bend differently… behind that fear lies your greatest breakthrough. The fire in […]

Untamed Kenya. Driving through the Rift Pt. 1

THE ROAD TO LAKE NAKURU This details my trip from Nairobi to Lake Nakuru and about Lake Nakuru when I get there. The trip lists information about the Rift Valley, Lake Naivasha, Lake Elementaita and finally culminates at the end at Lake Nakuru. So, sit back, relax and read away as I take you through […]

News and Views

Home Pt.2 – The great Rift

One of the most intrinsically shaped, beautiful and natural phenome- nons traversing through Kenya. If one was to trek through the Rift valley, they would find themselves at the northernmost point starting in Jordan, stretching across through the heart of Africa, down to the southern most point in Mozambique. Discovered by John Walter Gregory in […]

Beauty Inspiration Photography Wildlife

Gin & Tonics and Khakis birthed the name ‘Brubru’

Let me start by saying that I am not saying that the Australian naturalist who discovered and named this bird either liked Gin and Tonics or wore Khakis, although I am pretty sure he did. However, as much as his imagination was wrought with creativity, so does my mind wander off to a setting equally […]

Photography Wildlife

Samburu Visuals

  “The use of traveling is to regulate imagination with reality, and instead of thinking of how things may be, see them as they are.” – Samuel Johnson A recent visit to the Samburu National Reserve left me elated and amazed by the picturesque  landscapes and the great deal of game that we came across. […]

News and Views

A suitcase, a phone, and a train. Sharing my trip from Mombasa to Nairobi in 4 hours

Welcome to Mombasa’s ( actually Miritini ) terminus. But. I moved too far, too fast. Let’s draw back a little. This is Miritini. On the Map, you can see it’s way past the Mombasa International airport, and has to be reached by car or bike ( Bicycle or motorcycle ). I advise against walking to […]


Hippie on an adventure: Elementaita and Kakamega

Ever wondered how well you’d get by traveling on public transport to different destinations on your seek for adventure? Well, we tried; not the best but its an experience totally worth it. Also reliant on luck, sometimes, or atleast the few times I’ve resorted to taking this option. You can either get a fair or […]

News and Views

Our Mini Cross-Country Road-trip

It’s not often that you get people to hop in on one of your crazy spontaneous adventures. Or at least, going by the number of times I’ve had to either cancel or find alternatives for my plans; the level of dedication by friends who promise to tag along is always on an all time low. […]

News and Views Wildlife

Wildlife in the City’s Backyard

I recently had the privilege of visiting the Nairobi National Park. It is one of Kenya’s twenty three National Parks. However, what makes it stand out is the fact that it is regarded as the “World’s Wildlife Capital”. This is because of it’s strategic location that is only a short drive away from the Nairobi […]